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About Ed Bloemker:

 “An amateur is an artist who supports himself with outside jobs which enable him to work. A professional is someone whose spouse works to enable him to paint.” (Ben Shaen)

Ed Bloemker has been drawing since he was five years old. It was upon semi-retirement at age 66 that he discovered his love for painting. Over the next three years he had completed 80 canvesses. Some are awful, some are not so good, others are better. A few have received some serious attention and interest. Regardless, Ed hopes that you find something that you like on these pages, something that speaks to you.

Thanks for spending a few minutes on this site!!

“I hate flowers. I paint them because they are cheaper than models and they don’t move.”    Georgia O’Keefe

 “They couldn’t find the artist so they hung the picture.”   Frank Zappa

“Rembrandt painted 700 pictures. Of these, 3,000 are in existence.”    Wilhelm Bode

 “Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but that gets boring, so I go back to being me.”   Unknown

“I am an artist. This means I live in a perverse fantasy world with unrealistic expectations. Thank you for understanding.”    Unknown

“I’m not performing miracles, I’m using up and wasting a lot of paint.” – Claude Monet

“Put that brush down and back away from the canvass, and no one will get hurt.”     Ed Bloemker